Ashley Willis
Ashley Willis is a wife, mother of four rambunctious boys, and co-founder of the Facebook Marriage Page,, and Ashley and her husband, Dave, share a passion for encouraging and equipping marriages. She and her husband are sought after speakers throughout the United States and Canada and have written several books together including their most recent releases, 7 Days to a Stronger Marriage (January 2017) and The Naked Truth About Sex and Marriage (October 2017). They also offer many other written and video resources online, and they have been guests on radio shows including Focus on the Family and Australia’s Vision Christian Radio.
Ashley also writes and speaks about overcoming anxiety and depression, and she recently released a devotional called 31 Verses for the Anxious Mind and Heart: A Hope-filled and Healing Devotional for Those Struggling with Anxiety and/or Depression (August 2017). She is a widely-read blogger at and writes on issues related to faith, marriage, motherhood, and finding peace and joy in the midst of every day life.
When she’s not writing and speaking, you will find her spending time with her husband and four rambunctious boys and quite possibly taking one of them to the ER… yet again.