The BlogAbout Blog Network is a place to connect with other bloggers and writers in the publishing and marketing industry. This is a great way to:
- Gain access to new books and other products to review and give away to your readers
- Join active and influential launch teams
- Incredible bonus incentives for your reviews, including webinars, coaching sessions, gift cards, and more
- Exclusive social media groups to network with other writers to increase your social visibility
We have a flourishing and active community of more than 400 bloggers reaching millions of people through their networks.
We have featured books and faith-based products from Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, David C. Cook, Tyndale, Revell, Harvest House Publishers, Bethany House Publishers, BroadStreet Publishing, Leafwood Publishers, Catechesis Books, Simply Bliss Boutique, FamilyLife’s Ever Thine Home, and others.
If you are a blogger and would like join our community or find out more information, click here.
If you are a publisher, author, or business owner and are interested in partnering with us, please click here.
BlogAbout is a dedicated group of bloggers who don’t just read or promote – they interact with your product and share its merits and impact to their readers!
We have worked with new products as well as backlist products to bring a new level of attention and excitement to them. Let us show how we can help you!
Publisher and Business Partners