Our authors include adult non-fiction and select juvenile fiction. Representing CBA, ECPA and Amazon bestselling authors.

We promote authors and organizations to traditional media to impact visibility, sales, and growth.

We consult with authors on book proposals, contracts, marketing, and more. We critique work from writers and offer webinars to educate them on publishing.

Our blog network includes over several hundred bloggers that review books, films, and products, and are part of a community we offer rewards to.
We’re happy to have you check out our site and explore our agency. We are based in Colorado, a hub for Christian publishing, and we love books, movies, and working with innovative thinkers! We are a marketing and literary agency, working for over 20 years with media, publishers, authors, and organizations.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Denise Pass
Denise Pass

Courtney Westlake
A Different Beautiful
Courtney Westlake
A Different Beautiful

Michelle Madrid-Branch
Adoption Means Love
Michelle Madrid-Branch
Adoption Means Love

Lauren Gaskill
Into the Deep
Lauren Gaskill
Into the Deep

Katie Farrell
Dashing Dish
Katie Farrell
Dashing Dish

John Hambrick
Move Toward the Mess
John Hambrick
Move Toward the Mess

Robert & Pamela Crosby
The Will of a Man & The Way of a Woman
Robert & Pamela Crosby
The Will of a Man & The Way of a Woman

Sarah Rodriguez-Rhodes
From Depths We Rise
Sarah Rodriguez-Rhodes
From Depths We Rise

Koach Katlyn
Koach Katlyn

Rachael Adams
Rachael Adams

Kara Lawler
A Letter for Every Mother
Kara Lawler
A Letter for Every Mother

Rebecca Bender
Road to Redemption, Elevate
Rebecca Bender
Road to Redemption, Elevate

Scott LaPierre
Scott LaPierre

Micah Maddox
Anchored In
Micah Maddox
Anchored In

Lisa Appelo
Lisa Appelo

Jen Weaver
A Wife's Secret to Happiness
Jen Weaver
A Wife's Secret to Happiness

Vanessa Hunt
Life in Season
Vanessa Hunt
Life in Season

Amy Elaine Martinez
Amy Elaine Martinez

Amy Carroll
Breaking Up With Perfect
Amy Carroll
Breaking Up With Perfect

Rick Whitted
Outgrow Your Space at Work
Rick Whitted
Outgrow Your Space at Work

Laura Busse
Laura Busse

Kim Anderson
Live. Save. Spend. Repeat.
Kim Anderson
Live. Save. Spend. Repeat.

Jonathan Malm
The Come Back Effect
Jonathan Malm
The Come Back Effect

Janelle Alberts
When Sunday School Answers Don't Cut It
Janelle Alberts
When Sunday School Answers Don't Cut It

Natalie Chambers Snapp
Becoming Heart Sisters
Natalie Chambers Snapp
Becoming Heart Sisters

Books by Blythe

Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters
by Blythe Daniel and Helen McIntosh
Mended gives you the script you need to speak life into your relationship with your mother or daughter. Discover powerful words that usher in healing for wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile your connection.

I Love You, Mom! Cherished Word Gifts from My Heart to Yours
by Blythe Daniel and Helen McIntosh
This sweet collection of sentiments from mother-daughter duo Helen McIntosh and Blythe Daniel is a deeply sincere tribute to moms everywhere. Moms of all ages will be blessed and encouraged by these inspirational thoughts and special affirmations of love.